Training. Innovation. Leadership.

Appliance Technical Institute of Canada Inc.’s Vaccine Requirement

Date: September 6, 2021

Vaccination is the most important way that individuals can protect themselves against COVID-19 and is a critical component of the Appliance Technical Institute of Canada Inc.’s strategy to support a safe return to campus.

This fall, the Appliance Technical Institute of Canada Inc. is requiring all those intending to be present on our three campuses, or on premises owned or operated by the college, to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and provide proof of vaccination by submitting your proof of vaccination document to, in full accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Proof of vaccination can be a photograph of a paper vaccination receipt or an electronic receipt that you received by email. Those vaccinated in Ontario can generate and download their vaccine receipts here.

You are considered to be fully vaccinated 14 days after receiving the recommended number of doses of a Health Canada-approved vaccine. If you received a non-Health Canada approved vaccine, you will be considered fully vaccinated 14 days after receiving a Health Canada-approved mRNA vaccine. All members of the community must have received their first dose by Sept. 13 and be fully vaccinated by Oct. 15.

Individuals seeking a permitted exemption for medical reasons or other protected grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code will be able to make a request through their primary health care provider.

Those who have not received at least one vaccine dose or who have not been granted an exemption by their primary health care provider for medical reasons or other grounds protected under the Ontario Human Rights Code cannot come to any college campuses or premises. More information on ATIC’s approach to vaccines is available on ATIC frequently asked questions page.

Those who are not fully vaccinated (i.e., partially vaccinated but not yet 14 days past their second or final shot) or have received a college-approved exemption must participate in the College’s rapid screening program and provide proof of a negative result before visiting campus, and may be subject to additional safety measures.

Information about vaccinations 

ATIC is actively supporting initiatives such as This Is Our Shot to encourage Canadians to get vaccinated. ATIC has also supported the province’s vaccination efforts.

What being vaccinated against COVID-19 means for you 

Vaccination is the most important way that individuals can protect themselves against COVID-19 and is a key element of the Appliance Technical Institute of Canada Inc.’s strategy to support a safe return to campus. The links below offer comprehensive information on the COVID-19 vaccines, including vaccine safety and the benefits of being vaccinated.

This Is Our Shot

Women’s College Hospital 

Government of Ontario 

Government of Canada 

Nervous about getting needles? 

  • ​​​​In Canada, around one in four adults report they are afraid of needles, and about one in 10 report that concerns about needle pain influence their decision to get vaccinated.
  • Use the CARD system to have a more positive vaccination experience.


Vaccine clinics 

Vaccinations are available across Ontario. Please visit the following Ontario website to book your vaccination appointment:

Book My Vaccine 

If you need additional support, please contact

Request for more information